Hi baby
I woke up at 2:11am this morning STARVING! I didn't think I would be this hungry this often. I guess it was the constant hunger that tipped me off to being pregnant in the first place! I've had girlfriends tell me how hungry they got but I don't think any of them woke up in the middle of the night to eat! Maybe that means you'll be a good eater ;)
All my life I worried that I might never be able to get pregnant and sure enough it happened the first month Daddy and I tried! God is always in control. I have this verse at my desk and I read it everyday while I waited to see if I was pregnant "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6. It doesn't always seem like life is going to work out, but trust me, it will AND it will be better than you imagined!
You sure are making mommy feel stranger and stranger everyday - but I'm super excited about it! I wonder when I'll start to show! I think I'll start to show in about a month. At the rate I'm eating and at the rate you're growing I bet it will be by January. We'll see!
Love, Mommy