Monday, December 17, 2012

Letters to baby #6

Hi baby
Today I wore my "fat pants" and they are actually the first pair of pants I did not had to unbutton after eating lunch! I think my "fat pants" will soon become my everyday pants. Not just my, I'm bloated or need to do laundry pants.

This afternoon several men from our church made lunch for the ECC staff. I am so blessed to work there. I am very happy there and am treated so well. I pray that someday you will be able to have a job that can fulfill your spiritual gifts and that you love. 

Very soon I can tell my co-workers about you! They are all going to be so happy for your daddy and I. I bet a few of them already know. Either they have noticed my bloated belly or they have noticed the glazed and exhausted look I give them! 

Uncle Mike came over on Saturday to help Daddy build a walk-in closet in our bedroom. I am excited for this project to be over with so we can start to clear out the second bedroom and get your room ready be cleaned, painted and then slowly filled with baby stuff!

Love, Mommy

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bump 7 weeks

This is what you look like at 7 weeks!
Ignore my tired face. I'm still trying to get the hang of growing a baby!

Letters to baby #5

Hi baby blueberry! 
Happy 7 weeks! Looking back I have had to deal with so many emotions and the hardest one has been to keep you a secret! There are LOTS of people that are going to be so happy to welcome you into this world. I'm slowing starting to realize what the love of a mother is like and I haven't even seen you or heard your heartbeat!
I'm starting to feel better except I'm feeling tired today. My work pants are becoming a little snug. The last two days I've walked around with my top buttons undone :)

I stopped by Aunt Ruth and Uncle Pat's last night and they asked what's new?! I said, "Oh nothing." Inside I was yelling, I'M PREGNANT!!! Too many secrets are making me crazy!

Love you baby blueberry!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Letters to baby #4

Hey Baby!
13 days since we've known and have only told 3 people! This has been one of the hardest secrets! Daddy wanted to tell his friend David over the weekend. I asked if it was because he just needed to tell someone so I said that was fine. We showed Emily and David the "gift" we're giving your grandparents for Christmas and Emily asked "seriously?!" and gave me a big hug! Emily and I went to a church Christmas play and I wasn't feeling well during the dinner. I was happy she knew why I didn't feel well so I didn't have to keep it a secret! The next day we went to Grandma and Grandpa Baker's for Uncle Mike and Aunt Debbie's birthday and I so badly wanted to tell everyone about you!! 

I'm still not feeling 100% better from the bug I got. But then again I'm not sure if you're causing the pops, and gurgles or if it's the bug! I have to wait 11 more days till I can give Nana her ornament.

Tomorrow you'll be 7 weeks! You're making me so sleepy!

Love, Momma

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas Gifts

Here is the ornament Momma made to tell your grandparents that you're here!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Letters to baby #3

Hi my little sweetpea!
It's been 9 days since we've known of you! Yesterday I thought I was feeling so sick because of you, but it turns out I just had the stomach bug. I'm starting to feel better but feeling very hungry all the time yet I can't eat what I'm craving. When I try to eat I feel nauseous. I hope this passes soon.

Last night I was laying on the couch feeling yucky and your daddy came up to me and said "well the good news when all this is said and done this is what we'll get out of it." Then he turned his iPod to me and showed me a picture of baby Collin feeding himself food for the first time. Then he showed me 3 more adorable pictures of Collin. If I hadn't been feeling so bad I probably would have cried seeing your daddy get that excited. It was so sweet to see him smiling and looking excited at what we'll have in just 8 short months!

Once I start feeling better I want to start cleaning out the extra bedrooms to make room for you! I already know what colors I want use and what furniture I want to buy for you! 

Love, Mommy

Friday, November 30, 2012

Letter to baby #2

Hi baby
I woke up at 2:11am this morning STARVING! I didn't think I would be this hungry this often. I guess it was the constant hunger that tipped me off to being pregnant in the first place! I've had girlfriends tell me how hungry they got but I don't think any of them woke up in the middle of the night to eat! Maybe that means you'll be a good eater ;)

All my life I worried that I might never be able to get pregnant and sure enough it happened the first month Daddy and I tried! God is always in control. I have this verse at my desk and I read it everyday while I waited to see if I was pregnant "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6. It doesn't always seem like life is going to work out, but trust me, it will AND it will be better than you imagined!

You sure are making mommy feel stranger and stranger everyday - but I'm super excited about it! I wonder when I'll start to show! I think I'll start to show in about a month. At the rate I'm eating and at the rate you're growing I bet it will be by January. We'll see!

Love, Mommy  

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Letter to baby #1

Hi baby!

Yesterday morning your daddy and I found out I was pregnant with you! I was so nervous to take the test because I knew it was going to say I was pregnant. On the other hand I was a little nervous that if it said I wasn't pregnant I was going to be sad.

As soon as I was done taking the test, it showed POSITIVE! I didn't even have to wait 3 minutes to see that you were growing inside me! I was shaking, excited, nervous, and scared. Your daddy came in the bathroom so I held up the test and said, "we're gonna have a baby!" He smiled and gave me a big hug. We stood there for a while then I said, "are you freaked out?" he said "yeah, a little." I began thinking, why did we start trying, I'm not ready to be a mom, it's going to hurt so bad, I'm going to be so tired all the time, my body is going to constantly ache, how can we afford this, why did we think this was a good idea?!

Then I learned that you were the size of an appleseed. There was an apple on my desk at work so I cut it up, got a seed out, took a picture and sent it to your dad with the words "this is the size of our baby - the size of an appleseed!" He said "scary" I said "why" he said "because it's so tiny and delicate." That's when it sunk in. You are growing inside me. I am going to be a Momma. The rest of the day felt like a dream. Nothing seemed to matter at work except you growing inside me. The cool part is my body knew what it was doing even though I had no clue!!

When I picked your dad up from work he filled me in about all of the money and insurance stuff. He started calling you "he" I said "honey, we don't know yet..." but he insisted on calling you "he, him, boy" all night. I sure hope you're a boy so you're not traumatized by your father :)

Over the weekend your dad and I talked about how we want to tell the family while we decorated the Christmas tree. We didn't know for sure I was pregnant, but we both had a good hunch that you were there! We are going to tell your grandparents by filling a glass ornament with pink and blue ribbon then write on the ball "Baby Baker, coming July 2013" and give it to them as a gift. I'd love to record their reactions so we can always remember how excited they were to find out about you! I have all sorts of ideas as to how to tell people. It will be hard to wait to tell them, but the hardest wait is over. We know you're going to be in our arms in just 9 short months.

Love, Momma