Monday, February 4, 2013

Dreams - An Intruder!

Your dad was in bed and while I was getting ready for bed I heard a noise inside the house. I ran around the house turing on lights as fast as I could and screaming "Who is in my house?!" "Get out of my house NOW!" Your dad didn't get out of bed very fast, as he was not scared (totally not normal). He finally grabbed the gun and started to talk around the house. When I made it to the front room I saw a shadow and yelled again "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Then I realized it was your daddy and he was getting TP out of the furnace closet (we don't keep it there). He just looked at me like I was a mad lady and ignored the fact that we had an intruder! We finally made it back to the living room and I opened the garage door because I heard a noise in there, and yelled again "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Then we heard a knock on the living room window and it was Dwight Schrute!! He had the typical awkward Dwight smile, holding a hammer and pointed to Reece. Tyler opened the window and Dwight climbed right inside. I yelled at him to get out of the house and said his behavior was inappropriate and he needed to leave immediately! I started to yell at Tyler about it and he assured me that Dwight was here to fix the dripping faucet in the back yard (with a hammer?!) in the middle of the night when it was about 7 dergees out!

While Dwight was fixing the hose, I held you! Our 1-2 year old boy (at least you were in my dreams!) in my arms. He had rosy cheeks because he was crying, and long shaggy blond hair that had little curls in it. He was wearing red PJs. I held him in my arms and told him everything was going to be OK, as he sniffled, I brused his hair back and kissed his little face and rocked him back and fourth.

Then I woke up.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so I'm glad it was just a dream but.... if it wasnt dont go after the intruder! Bad things happen to the character that actually calls out to and goes after the bad guy in the movie! Have I taught you nothing? :-)
